Oiso, mei Großvoda is von Prag nach Wien kumma, hod ois erste Partei in dem Haus, das war neibaut 1912, die Wohnung bezogen. Do hoda 3 Kinder kriagd mit seiner Frau, die Frau „Zerschen“ - de woa eh „Sehrschön“. Die Kinder san natialich... ...die ersten zwaa san gliebt woan, und donn woa do nu der Onkel Toni, der Kloanste: Waun die Großmuata abends durch die Wohnung gangen is, ins Kindazimma, hod sie die zwa Buam, den Onkel Luis und mein Voda küsst, zur Nacht, und der Onkel Toni hod a Watsch’n kriagd. Er ist im Bett gleg‘n im Kinderzimma und stod oan Bussi hod er a Watschn kriagd. Mei Großmuata woar eitel waunsinnig eitel, hod nua Modelle trogn, woar imma im Mittelpunkt, und daun is g’stuabm. Und daun woa da Großvoda alloa.
The 60s Wild-Child of Rochus Market
Translated by Jeff Crowder
My grandfather came from Prague to Vienna. He was the first party to live in this apartment, this house was newly built in 1912. Here he had 3 children with his wife, „Zerschen“ - „die sehr Schön“ - who was "very beautiful". The first two children were loved, and then there was uncle Toni, the smallest. When grandmother went through the apartment in the evening, to the children, she kissed the two boys, uncle Louis and my father, good night, and uncle Toni got a slap across the face. He was in bed in the children's room and instead of a kiss he got a slap. My grandmother was incredibly vain, she only wore designer clothes. She was always the center of attention, and then she died. Grampa was then alone.