CaliWiener’s next stand-up comedy concert with MOLOCH this National FIREDOG! October 26th, 19:00 at HIRSCHENHOF vineyard in LANGENLOIS — RESERVE YOUR €10 TICKETS in advance:
is a cultural and culinary refugee, who escaped the USA to find freedom in Vienna, Austria. This Austro-Fornian comic sings a mish-mash of English and Viennese-Austrian dialect with his painfully thick American accent. Joking and playing with words in a gobbledygook of Germ-Lish, a Kauderwelsch, a Jeff-Crowder-Welsch, he speaks his own pidgin language: “Cali-Wienerisch” — sometimes he can’t even understand himself.
Cali-Wienerisch: Kalifornisches Weanarisch mit zwaa haas’n Knedln im Hois / Californian Viennese dialect with two hot potatoes in the throat.
CaliWiener sings his Wurstel Walzer with the band Moloch at Hirschenhof vineyard in Langenlois, “El Lay” (L.A. = Lower Austria, not Los Angeles) Kamptoi, Weinviertl:
Cali-Wiener singd sei Wiaschdlwoiza mid Moloch bam Hirschenhof Weingut, im Langenlois, Niedaösterreich.